Why EP

East Port Said Industrial Zone is the right fit to investors planning to enter the Europe, Middle East, North Africa (EMENA) region or want to expand their business in those markets. The Suez Canal Special Economic Zone (SCZone), where the industrial zone lies, is controlled by a predictable and transparent legal and regulatory framework, which provides various investor incentives.
Proximity to Regional Markets
With significant proximity to global markets, Egypt is located on key international logistics routes; the existence of Suez Canal allows it to be the shortest link between east and west.
Access to 2 Billion Consumers
Access to large key markets through various multilateral and bilateral trade agreements with European, Middle Eastern and African countries
Adjacent to the Seaport
The Industrial Park is located 3km from the East Port Said seaport.
Fully Integrated Zone
It contains residential areas, commercial areas, industrial parks and sea ports.

O% Taxes & 0% Customs
All machinery, tools, equipment and raw materials used for export are tax exempt and duty free.
Reduced Operational Cost
Competitively priced and reliable supplies of power, water and gas; utility expenses are 30-50% lower when compared to Europe and the MENA regions.
Trained and Skilled Labor
Egypt is a country with a large pool of trained and skilled labor, around 27 million people; wages are competitive, almost 1/10th of Europe and ½ of that in the MENA region.